Ph.D. Theology, Boston College, 2003
M.A. Counseling Psychology, College of Saint
Elizabeth, 2013
M.A. Theology, Boston College, 1996
M.A. Philosophy, Boston College, 1992
B.A. Psychology, Merrimack College, 1988
Gottman Method Couples Therapy, Level III Practicum Training, December 2020
Gottman Method Couples Therapy, Level II Workshop, July 2020
Gottman Method Couples Therapy, Level I Workshop, March 2018
Clinician-Administered PTSD Scale for DSM-5 Clinical Training
Anger Management: A Treatment for those with PTSD
PTSD and Experiences of Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault During Military Service,
PTSD 202: Skills Training in Affective and Interpersonal Regulation (STAIR), Veterans Health Administration
Trainee in Focusing-Oriented Psychotherapy, Focusing Institute, Spring Valley, NY. Coordinator, Dr. James Strohl, 2013-2014
Beck Institute for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Level One Workshop: CBT for Anxiety and Depression, , August 13-15, 2012